a dissection of Goethe's description of heaven in Faust part 2
“All that is changeable
Is but reflected;
The unobtainable
Here is effected;
Human discernment
Here is passed by;
The Eternal-Feminine
Draws us on high.”
(Lines 12104 - 12111).
This beautiful ending quote describes the landscape of heaven. Heaven is not a place that humans can, or perhaps should, be able to comprehend. Heaven is the platonic reflection of Earth or the “changeable.” (Line 12104). Heaven is a land of perfection, at the very least, in a material sense. Despite This land of infinite perfection, “human discernment here is passed by.” (12107 - 12108). Heaven is so perfect that it burns past our perception. But who calls upon us into heaven? Why is it the “Eternal-Feminine” (12109) that draws us? The Eternal-Feminine, of course, represents God. It’s interesting that God is described as feminine because he is most usually described as masculine or as a father figure. God is described as feminine here because they are the creator of life in the same way as a mother.
I feel a feminine energy throughout the world. Each falling leaflet and grass blade is dipped in the primordial soul of womanhood. The Eternal-Feminine pulsates through all parts of the aether and even through me. I can hear her sweet songs ringing through every molecule of my being.
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